Security Guards: The Forgotten Heroes

Off Duty Officers
4 min readJan 1, 2022


Security Guards: Our Forgotten Heros

As our nation recognizes the course of tragedies over the past years, it is not often that the private security guards and their quick actions and selfless efforts are hailed heroic. Often overlooked, private security guards are armed or unarmed but are trained to act in emergency situations, getting people out of harm’s way and saving countless lives. The teamwork of private security working seamlessly with emergency services and law enforcement is a strong front against any ill intentions. It is deserving of being recognized and honored for the combined heroic efforts.


October 1, 2017, was a horrific day as shots fired from a hotel room into a large crowd attending a concert in Las Vegas. The result of this selfish and reckless act resulted in many deaths, injuries, and long-lasting emotional trauma that still shakes people today. If you speak with anyone who attended that event, it was a day not soon forgotten. Many survivors look back with gratitude for being alive. More than 200 private security guards were in attendance that evening and sprang into action immediately upon hearing the gunshots. As confusion spread throughout the crowd, with further confirmation the sounds were not intentional fireworks as part of the show, security found themselves in a survival and protection role they never imagined. Always 100% on duty, even if you are prepared for anything, the surprise of an event like that requires the best-trained security guards. They can act quickly and with authority, removing as many people as possible safely from the situation.

Dealing with intoxicated audience members, keeping the stage clear and safe, and maintaining constant watchful eyes on the crowd is only the beginning of private security at an event like the Las Vegas concert. Adding the unexpected shooting spree from above the sightline, with an unknown origin, put security guards in the thick of the emergency, and they rose to the calling with courage. Many were in attendance who have given powerful, incredible testimonies about the heroic efforts of the private security that evening.

As news and media reports bannered across television screens and social media, headlines of the event came hard and fast. As the details continued to pour in, and once the dust settled, the emergency staff, including police, firefighters, and ambulance workers, were recognized, as they should be. Their efforts and response minimized a potentially even more devastating aftermath of the shooting. Additionally, it is important to remember those private security guards, also professionally trained to handle emergencies, who acted without hesitation and saved lives that night.


December 29, 2019, in a church near Fort Worth, Texas, a professionally trained and retired FBI agent who was volunteering as a security guard successfully shot an active shooter, saving the lives of patrons and members of the community. Acting on training and experience, this guard shot the gunman once the threat was established, ending the shooter’s spree. It shows that one dedicated security guard, no matter the circumstances, can make a difference. Able to manage emergencies and act quickly, in this situation, one armed security guard acted immediately, ending the threat and protecting innocent lives.

In large-scale events or routine day-to-day activities, the incredible dedication of private security guards continues to protect others selflessly. Security guards are most often retired military or law enforcement, giving them the experience of emergency situations and the security intelligence to act efficiently and decisively.

Allowing expertly trained security guards to watch over an event or provide multiple security guard services in a small venue puts those attending at ease. In a church setting, having security, whether armed or unarmed, gives peace of mind, encouraging attendance.


In Oakland, California, on November 27, 2021, an armed private security guard lost his own life protecting the news crew of a local station. In this tragic event, the devoted security guard foiled an attempted robbery, saving the lives of many news crew members on-site that day. Serving as a retired police officer before beginning his security guard career, this heroic man put himself in harm’s way. Boldly positioning himself between the robber and the news crew, he was shot, rushed to the hospital, but passed regardless of the efforts of the doctors.

These are just a few instances where trained, expert security guards aided in saving lives. There is no question that armed or unarmed security guards can deter criminal or harmful acts. If something devastating and unexpected occurs, an emergency protocol must be implemented quickly to be most effective. These incredibly dedicated men and women are prepared and equipped to handle anything, acting swiftly and with confidence. Let us not overlook the heroic efforts of so many professional private security guards out there that risk their lives every day to make our communities



Off Duty Officers
Off Duty Officers

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